100 Computer Questions and Answers Page – 2

21. The term ‘Pentium’ is related to? Microprocessor.
22. C, Java, PHP, C++ are examples of? Programming language.
23. Data that is copied from an application is stored in? Clipboard.
24. How many MB (Mega Byte) makes one GB (Giga Byte)? 1024 MB.
25. Data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful way is called? Information.
26. Who is the founder of Oracle Corporation? Lawrence J. Ellison.
27. What is the name of the software that allows us to browse through web pages called? Browser.
28. The process to find error in a software code is called? Debugging.
29. Which technology is used in a CDROM Drive? Optical.
30. A program which translates High Level Language to a Machine Level Language is called? Compiler.
31. In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is made up of a unique combination of? 8 bits.
32. What is the address given to a computer connected to a network called? IP address.
33. What contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm? Syntax.
34. Windows operating system ‘Windows 8’ is the product of which american company? Microsoft.
35. What is the shortcut key for printing a document in windows? Ctrl + P.
36. A Web site’s main page is called? Home page.
37. The simultaneous execution of two or more instructions is called? Multiprocessing.
38. Which device can understand difference between Data and programs? Microprocessor.
39. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a? Network.
40. Excel spreadsheet, Powerpoint, Word processing are examples of which type of software? Application software.

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